Perhaps they didn't have stuff to do?

I just spent a few hours updating some family history from as far back as the 1600's. All those names and numbers add up to people who are indirectly but incontrovertibly responsible for my present existence. I think I owe them one, especially since most all of them took on a task I don't think I'll ever be up for—having twelve kids.


Rachel said...

Hey, good to see you're alive. check out my blog. It's all about the baby!

Harris said...

what up! way good to hear from you. come check us out! this blog stuff is a great way to always stay updated! we are at
ps. were pregnant. due september 14th. anyway cute blog lata!

annie (the annilygreen one) said...

one of the best days of my life was when i discovered that a lot of the apostles only have a few kids. hey, follow the prophet, right?


Miss Ashley said...

love the blog, Kathy!