watch out

Signs posted on the hill just south of campus warn people to be safe. I think I know why now.

While I drove on the little road that runs through campus today, I saw a deer. Now, the deer did not pose any particular danger, but the thing coming after it must have, because that deer was hoofing it so fast that I bet it could have jumped over my car. Who knows what it was running from? Danger could lurk anywhere in Provo....


Mike and Lauren said...

The campus deer are somewhat suicidal I beware. Also, I love Sophie.

Megan said...

Oh Kathy dear...I love your blog. You guys are so funny and cute!! HEY! LET'S GET TOGETHER SOMETIME!!

Ali said...

Haha, Sophie has the best poses! Between this and the picture of her with the lion at the Bean Museum... this girl deserves a desk calendar.