two thoughts on billions of people

1. HOW does the world contain SO MANY people? The number of people driving around my little city or walking around in the grocery store blows me away. How many women had to throw up for months at a time just to make enough people to populate this single town? And how many of those women volunteered for this process multiple times? That's a lot of barf, people.

2. Why on EARTH does war even exist? If all those women had to barf up their guts and then go through labor and spend years and years putting care and love into little people until those people got big enough to defend themselves, doesn't it seem an immense waste to blow said people up?

If women ruled the world (and in order to become president or queen of any country, a woman was required to bear at least one child), I'm pretty sure we'd get rid of war altogether. The women in charge would know what sort of energy (and endless nausea) their population required to create and bear. And if anyone so much as whispered war from the other side of an ocean, the rest of the presidents would say, "No way, sister. We know what your women went through to make those people. We've been there. We're not about to blow anybody up."


Deja said...

Lovethis. Amen and amen.

Hope the barfing eases up soon.

Heather said...

Amen Sister!!!!

luvmymunchkins said...

You poor thing. It will end soon. And the next time it isn't so bad, you're too busy with your other little one and sheer determination keeps it kind of in control.
Feel free to call and complain to me!

janel said...

Welcome to the hormones of pregnancy! It sure provides a different set of lenses, doesn't it?
I love your idea that motherhood creates people who love and who love peace. (And who love to keep a barf bucket close by at all times.)

Jennie Larsen said...

Love it! Sorry your so sick. But I love your thoughts! :) And don't worry...soon enough you'll be cleaning up someone else's barf! :) JK...kind of... ;)

Megan said...

I am in agreement 100%! You couldn't have said it better. I hope you're doing all right and that the puking comes to an end soon!

Emily said...

Just think: If men bore babies, it would end civilization altogether. They couldn't handle it...too weak! ;)

Did I already mention I am SO excited that you are a Momma now!?

annie (the annilygreen one) said...

i used to think about this all the time when i was in your shoes and after maren was born. someone had to birth every single one of the people on this earth, and the thought is astounding. it makes everyone seem knowable and lovable to think of them when they were first starting out as someone's baby.

Bryson and Tara said...

Oh, Kathy! I hope you start feeling better soon. I so feel your pain.

I loved your thoughts here. I remember being blown away, when I was going through pregnancy and labor, thinking that billions of women have gone through exactly what I was going through.

It is such a miracle to think about it happening to me. And it's absolutely staggering to contemplate everyone else going through it too. I guess that kind of applies to the Atonement as well. Huh. Interesting.

Danielle said...

Ugh, the nausea... I feel for you. It gets a lot better in a little while!

Kikal said...

Ha ha ha. And when you're in labor and having tons of contractions you'll walk around the mall or something and think "So much pain to get all of these people many contractions!!"