The combination of warmer weather and non-stop school since August 2007 is burning us out a little bit. A spring break sounds nice about now. But, alas, capital-S-Spring, capital-B-Break does not exist at our institution of higher learning. We have heard unreliable theories about why this is:
- We finish school a week earlier than other schools, so we get to the good jobs first.
- A shorter winter semester lets the university squeeze two terms into summer instead of one.
- The school can earn more money during the summer by having an extra week to host hundreds of teenagers for efy.
- The school board worries that an official Spring Break would encourage their good, christian students to use that week for binge drinking, recreational drug use, and casual sex.
We wouldn't even need a whole week.
Not to brag, but we're basking in our break at this moment.
Trust me, it's as good as you dream.
A week of recreational drug use would do me some good, that's for sure! If no. 4 is true, I say, let it just be another test of separating the wheat from the tares.
i always hated not having a spring break. but then i'd love being done in april, so i guess it worked out. now, spencer has a spring break, but he also has a test in his hardest class next tuesday. moral: we don't really have a spring break AND school doesn't end until may. that frustrates me.
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