dear boy in the library,

If you really felt as ill as you said you did to the person on the other end of your cell phone, while you walked up and down the literature section on the 5th floor (where I was), why didn't you stay home for a few days? Don't sniffle your way around the books anymore. Stop wiping your runny nose with the back of your hand and then running that hand along the shelf.

Your eyes looked so swollen and your nose so red. I'm sure some sleep and some soup would have done you good. It sure would have helped out the library patrons, too. Some of us are pregnant around here and really not looking forward to flu season.

Take care.

A pregnant lady who is NOT happy to be home with a sore throat and burny eyes today


Misti said...

The whole fam damily has been sick this past week. Paul with the Swine Flu and the 3 of us girls with head colds and flu junk! Maybe you should stay away from me this Sunday :)! I'll try not to wipe my nose with the back of my hand-GROSS!

eden said...

i'm so sorry. that's an awful feeling.

i hope you're feeling all better soon!

meg said...

sometimes being pregnant this time of year makes it scary to even breathe in public, doesn't it?

David/Dad/Doc said...

Sorry you aren't feeling well. One nice thing that I noticed is that you are you are preparing nicely to become a MOM by calling that person a "boy" in the library. Not a guy or a dude or man, but a snotty nosed boy who doesn't wash his hands properly.

Welcome to motherhood Kathy, you will be an awesome Mom!

Emily said...

Ewwww that's just gross about that boy!! Why why why won't people just stay HOME when they are sick!?
I'm sorry you're not well.

By the way, we need some preggo pics. You've got to be at least 20+ weeks, right? Come on!

Bryson and Tara said...

I'm sorry, Kath! I hate it when people share their germs. You'll hate it even more when your little one is surrounded by them. I feel like Sophie gets sick all the time...