it's a halloween miracle!

In the neighborhood where I grew up, the "Great Pumpkin" would deliver Halloween treats to people's porches, with a poem that told them to put a pumpkin in their window and then pass the favor on by anonymously delivering treats to other neighbors.

I think my neighborhood now must have a Great Pumpkin, too—just a different kind—because a good deed showed up anonymously on my porch: yesterday, someone swept the stairs in front of my apartment. I thanked my husband, but he wouldn't claim responsibility.

So, dear pumpkin, if you read my blog, thanks for sweeping my porch. I think I'll pass a good deed along to another neighbor.


Adrienne said...

I love this and think we will adopt the tradition. When my parents got married my dad really disliked Halloween and as a compromise he agreed to celebrate the holiday if we made treats and took them to our neighbors when we went trick or treating so that we weren’t just walking around asking for candy. (He’s a nut, but we love him.) I loved it, as did our neighbors. But I think I love this idea more!!

Bryson and Tara said...

That is so neat! I think I'll do this too!