oh. my. cute.

I know a brilliant, multi-talented woman who shared one of her secrets with me yesterday. Because of her expert instruction, I made his adorable bear (and C. made the halloween pumpkin in his hand).

I'm addicted. After we went home, I spent an hour—which I SHOULD have spent creating a lesson plan—looking on the internet for ideas of more cute, little felted things I could make. I'm pretty sure that's all I want to do for the next two months (thesis defense? pshaw!).

I'm not going to tell you how incredibly simple this is to do. I want you to be amazed. Isn't he cute?


janel said...

Nesting! You're legit. (Not that you weren't before.) Craft away! And, wow, a thesis defense? Good luck!

eden said...

very cute!

Mike and Lauren said...

SO cute!

Emily said...

so how do you make it!>? you left that part out.

Bryson and Tara said...

Love it!