Fortune Cookie

We can't wait for our little girl to come. With baby on the brain, guess how we interpreted this fortune cookie—
K is well, though she worries whether she's doing anything wrong. I asked her if she was drinking, smoking, or shooting up heroin.

"No." She said.

"Then you're probably not doing anything wrong."
Here's to 22 weeks.


eden said...

of course she's worried. she's kathy. (i mean that in a good way)

cute picture, by the way.

Kikal said...

She's beautiful.

Mr. Christopher said...

She's taken.

annie (the annilygreen one) said...

kathy is stunning. and i love that dress. and i love your baby already.

Erin said...

What a beautiful lady! :) Miss you, Kathy!

Ali said...

Darling picture.

Emily said...

Adorable!! Such a special, amazing time. Can't wait to see that little gummy girl!

Genevieve Beck said...

She looks absolutely radiant and it would be cause to worry if she wasn't worried (that's just pregnancy, especially first pregnancies).

Adrienne said...

Beautiful. What a lucky baby to get such fantastic parents.

David/Dad/Doc said...

This fortune is true!

Deja said...

Oh my she's gorgeous. And that dress. I'd be pregnant all the time if I got to wear that dress. Happy happy.

Mike and Lauren said...

Yayyy!! I love your little gummi. And Kath, you look amazing! I can't wait to see this little babe.

Unknown said...

Kathy you look hot! And that dress is super cute. (is it the one you mentioned before?)

James Goldberg said...

You forgot cocaine. Is Kathy on cocaine? It's very harmful to babies. And adults, actually, but especially babies.

janel said...

Don't be so cute, Kathy. You are raising the bar for all Utah mommies. Or post partum mommies who still look pregnant.

Bryson and Tara said...

What a cute prego lady you make, Kath!