you may now call me Master Nerd

Last night, I sat at a big conference table with three of my amazing professors and talked about the classes I've taken and the stories I've written.

Of course, they didn't ask any of the questions I thought they might. And I didn't get to say most of the things I had hoped I would be able to. And when they asked how my reading influenced my writing, the mental list I'd made of books I wanted to talk about went entirely blank. But we had an interesting conversation, and they didn't hesitate to tell me that I passed my thesis defense. Perhaps they were swayed by the muhammara that I made them.


meg said...

hey, i get to be the first one on your blog to say, hurrah! congratulations on your defense!
it seems you had the same luck talking with amazing professors that i had when i was in school. :) it probably just made it more apparent why i was studying writing.

Ali said...

Yay, Kathy! You defended and you have a Masters! You are a legend.


eden said...

congratulations!!! that's awesome!!!

merry christmas to YOU! (:

cath said...

WAHOO! I'm impressed, both that you passed and that you made mahama...something.

David/Dad/Doc said...

Happy, happy. Also you must mention the 1934 Webster's dictionary that Christopher gave as a congrats. Nerd-dom at its pinnacle!
And I am so very proud of you.


faith said...

that's wonderful! congratulations!

Genevieve Beck said...

Hooray! You made it! That actually sounds like a much more positive experience than many others I've heard about. Way to go!

Jennifer Rose said...

Congratulations! That's wonderful.

kate said...

yay! congratulations!

i love this picture and how it was taken in the offices. it made me miss the offices (and you).

Mike and Lauren said...

WAAAHOOOOOOOO!!!!! Yeah! I really am so happy for you! You are amazing and I love you so much. Let's celebrate.

Becktacular Duo! said...

Yay! You are fabulous in every sense of the word. Congrats on a well-deserved Masters. I can't wait to get a signed copy of your work. I'm sure that day is not too far away. Love you like crazy!

annie (the annilygreen one) said...

you're so special and wonderful, kathy. i'm glad i know you!

Nicholas James West said...


Jennie Larsen said...

WOOHOO!!! We love nerds! And master nerds are even more incredible! :) Congratulations!

Papa Pete said...

Chris and I have something in common now. We're married to women smarter than us who have a Masters degree. Congratulations.

Makayla Steiner said...

Hooray for you!!!! Congratulations! :)

Bryson and Tara said...

Congrats, Kath! What wonderful news!

Danielle said...


Yours truly said...

that is absolutely wonderful!!!