magic numbers

More than one veteran mother told me that six is a magic number: six weeks of new baby and then life will start to feel normal again. We must be slow learners at our house because today marks eight weeks since baby girl joined us. But regardless of the exact number, those mothers were right. Today I feel like I'm finally catching my breath. Today I feel more like myself. Today I'm loving this motherhood thing.


Genevieve Beck said...

That day, whenever it happens, is a beautiful thing. I hope it's a little faster for the second. :)

Kikal said...

Cherish the good days.

Deja said...

Lovely. You're doing great; I'm sure of it. Glad you feel good, too.

meg said...

Oh, you both look happy! hooray for motherhood indeed.

Bryson and Tara said...

Yea! Glad to hear that you're doing well. It just gets better!

andi said...

It's so true. 8 was my magic number, too. (And by 12 you feel like a seasoned pro.)

Mike and Lauren said...

Hooray. I am so happy that you are feeling you again! I love you! Also, I will send you the pictures of you and Christopher when you were pregnant and also of baby Claire hopefully this weekend. Things are finally calming down and now I just need to find my memory cards. Or my brain. I love you!