happy fall!

A week or so ago, I asked my class to brainstorm things they look forward to this coming fall. They came up with BYU football and the end of finals week. And for a minute, that was about it.

Pushing them to think about other possibilities (I mean, that's the point of brainstorming), I mentioned something I'm looking forward to: "What about scarves?" Scarves? They all kind of laughed like I was their crazy, nerdy English teacher. Which I am, thank you very much.

As soon as the weather gets colder in a few weeks, I will pull out my winter scarves. Yes, I've actually consciously and happily looked forward to it. And then yes, I will be the crazy, scarf-wearing English teacher my class believes me to be.


emi. said...

kathy! i love this post! i'm excited for jack-o-lanterns!

Genevieve Beck said...

I know what you mean since one of the main things I look forward to is sweaters. And squash. And leaves. And holidays. And birthdays. It is my favorite time of year.
I recall that as a student it was hard for me to just enjoy being in fall so I do understand, but if all you look forward to is the end of finals, you've missed the fall.
Then we can talk about what we're looking forward to about winter.

annie (the annilygreen one) said...

i love scarves! and in response to your comment on my post, you can't stop reading dooce because she's hilarious and a really good writer! when i found her blog, i got so sucked in that i read almost her entire archive.

Becktacular Duo! said...

I'll bet you are a brilliant teacher. I would LOVE to have a class from you. :)

I'm looking forward to decorating for holidays. :) How soon is too early for Halloween? :)