i turned into an 8-year-old

I apologize if you tried to call me in the last two months. As well as the months from January to April. It's possible that I didn't call you back. It's also possible that I didn't even know you called. Why? I lost my phone. Phones. Two of them. And I've spent more of 2008 without a phone than with one.

Yes, it's been kind of a hassle. Christopher graciously split up time and use of his phone with me. We could never call each other. And when people called ME expecting to talk to HIM, they sometimes got confused and the conversation got inexplicably awkward.

But no more. On Saturday, we bought me a shiny new phone. Here she is:

She's so flat and cool and purple and not-free that as we left the store, I made promises to Christopher: I'll take good care of it, I'll be so responsible, I'll never lose track of it again, blah, blah, blah. I sounded like a little kid promising to take extraordinary care of her new pet gerbil.

So far, I've succeeded. I haven't lost my phone yet: 30 hours and counting.
Feel free to call.


Deja said...

Ohhhh, pretty! Purple!

Does she preform Blackberry-type functions as well?

kathy w. said...

I'll admit my technical ineptness; I actually don't know enough about the Blackberry that I'm not sure how it compares. Mine plays music and C. likes it because it's a Nokia. Apparently, Nokias come from Finland.

Bryson and Tara said...

Yea- I'm happy I'll have a way to reach you again!