Endometriosis: A kick in the nuts

Kathy has been in pain since September. She just dealt with it. She had exploratory surgery on Thursday, to find out what it was. It was endometriosis, so the Doc was able to take care of it right then.

Endometriosis looks like this.

Dr. Glenn just cut off the extra tissue.

The growths were on Kath's right ovary and uterus. The ovaries are the female equivalent of the male testes. So she's been feeling a kick in the nuts since September.

She's amazing.

She's still sore and recovering from the surgery, but now the pain will be gone. And she won't have to feel stupid every week when people ask if she's feeling better. She won't have to worry that she has ovarian cancer, or that she's making it all up.



Deja said...

Kathy is amazing, indeed. I'm glad they found the problem and could fix it.

Emily said...

That is a lovely diagram and so helpful!

I am so happy to hear that the problem should be taken care.

Now baby-making will be much more fun for Kathy!!

Kikal said...

Sorry about your nuts Kathy; Chris, your empathy is so cute.

janel said...

Wow, what a champ. You should get a rent break for enduring all that. (If only I were the head honcho!) Get well soon.

Ali said...

You are amazing. I'm so glad you have an answer finally! Hooray!